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Engineering Leadership Program
Introduction to Engineering Leadership
Introduction to Engineering Leadership
Module 1: Situational Leadership in Engineering Environments
Learning Engagement (LE) 1: SL "Situational Leadership"
Learning Engagement (LE) 2: SL "Setting SMART Goals"
Learning Engagement (LE) 3: SL "Appreciative Inquiry"
Learning Engagement (LE) 4: SL "Managing Project Complexity Part1"
Learning Engagement (LE) 5: SL "Managing Complexity Part 2"
Module 2: Positive and High Performance Team Building (PHPTB)
Learning Engagement (LE) 1: PHPTB "Introduction – The Importance of Team"
Learning Engagement (LE) 2: PHPTB "Foundation of Team Building - Overview & Strengths"
Learning Engagement (LE) 3: PHPTB "Foundation of Team Building - Strength Test Time"
Learning Engagement (LE) 4: PHPTB “Foundation of Team Building - Benefits of a High Performing Team”
Learning Engagement (LE) 5: PHPTB “Importance of Team Building”
Learning Engagement (LE) 6: PHPTB “Overcoming Team Communication Barriers”
Learning Engagement (LE) 7: PHPTB “Developing High Performing Teams: Challenges, Strategies & Implementation”
Learning Engagement (LE) 8: PHPTB “Developing High Performing Teams: Challenges, Strategies & Implementation - Emotional Intelligence Test Time”
Learning Engagement (LE) 9: PHPTB “Developing High Performing Teams: Challenges, Strategies & Implementation Conclusion”
Learning Engagement (LE) 10: PHPTB “Applicability as an Engineering Leader”
Module 3: Managing Oneself, Building an Inclusive Environment, and Negotiation
Learning Engagement (LE) 1: CRBIE “Conflict Resolution in the Workplace”
Learning Engagement (LE) 2: CRBIE “Building an Inclusive Environment”
Module 4: Communication and Presentation Skills for Engineering Professionals (CPSEP)
Learning Engagement (LE) 1: CPSEP “Introduction – Effective Interpersonal Communication - Communicating as a Combat Helicopter Pilot is No Different than Communicating as an Engineer”
Learning Engagement (LE) 2: CPSEP “Effective Interpersonal Communication – 14 Points for Productivity & Career Development”
Learning Engagement (LE) 3: CPSEP “Using Effective Communication as a Leadership Tool – 3 Important Facts”
Learning Engagement (LE) 4: CPSEP “Using Effective Communication as a Leadership Tool – 5 Critical Tips”
Learning Engagement (LE) 5: CPSEP “Role of a Leader for Enhancing Communication”
Learning Engagement (LE) 6: CPSEP “Presenting Ideas & Projects into Different Levels & Audiences – Types of Audiences”
Learning Engagement (LE) 7: CPSEP “Presenting Ideas & Projects into Different Levels & Audiences – 6 Questions to Learn About Your Audience & 5 Points to a Clear CTA”
Learning Engagement (LE) 8: CPSEP “Tools to Create an Interactive Presentation – 10 Tips Towards an Interactive Presentation”
Learning Engagement (LE) 9: CPSEP “Tools to Create an Interactive a Presentation – Beyond Power Point”
Module 5: Project Risk Management
Learning Engagement (LE) 1: PRM “Project Risk Management Part 1”
Learning Engagement (LE) 2: PRM “Project Risk Management Part 2”
Learning Engagement (LE) 3: PRM “Project Risk Management Part 3”
Learning Engagement (LE) 4: PRM “Project Risk Management Part 4”
Learning Engagement (LE) 5: PRM “Project Risk Management Part 5”
Learning Engagement (LE) 4: PRM “Project Risk Management Part 4”
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